List of Approved FLD for the Financial Year (2024-25)

SL.No. Crop / Enterprise Title of Front Line Demonstrations No. of Demo
1. Paddy TNAU Stage specific inoculant for soil health management in paddy 5
2. Small cardamom om IISR - Bacto-lime for soil health management in small cardamom 5
3. Turmeric IISR Nutrient mixture in Turmeric for higher yield 10
4. Ginger IISR Nutrient Mixture in Ginger for higher yield 10
5. Small cardamom om Application of IISR - Tricholime: a new granular lime-based Trichoderma formulation in small cardamom 5
6. Banana Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Banana 10
7. Cassava Sree Raksha: high yielding cassava mosaic disease resistant variety 5
8. Cowpea Integrated Pest management in cowpea 5
9. Cassava Application of Polyhalite for nutrient management in Cassava 5
10. Fishery Giant Gourami fish in Fresh Water Ponds 10
11. Cassava UAV foliar application of CTCRI Micronol cassava special 5
12. Dairy cattle "Ksheeramin" for improving production performance in dairy cattle 10
13. Cabbage ICAR-11HR's Neem Seed Powder Pellet Formulation for the management of Cabbage Insect Pest 10
14. Orchid Dendrobium Varieties of Orchid in high ranges 3
15. Cassava Integrated Disease Management of Cassava root rot 10
16. Dairy cattle Kairomone trap for control of flies in dairy cattle shed 20

List of Special Activities for the Financial Year (2024-25)

1) Nutri-gardens

SL.No. Crop / Commodity Title of Activity No. of demos
1Nutri-gardenNutri-thali for women and children through Nutri-Garden20

2) Entrepreneurship Development Program under SAP

SL.No. Crop / Commodity Title of Activity SHG/ FPO
1.Waste to wealthPromoting Agripreneurship Through Waste to Wealth Management under SAP1 Unit

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