
Soil Testing Laboratory

Soil testing is a vital pre requisite for understanding the efficiency of soils. On the basis of Integrated Nutrient Management, a well-equipped soil testing laboratory is functioning in the KVK since 2005 for the wellbeing of farmers.

On the basis of soil testing conducted, a soil health card is provided to the farmers with detailed information on acidity, organic content, and deficiency of major and minor nutrients. Through the soil science department of the institution, the KVK also conducts, awareness classes on soil health, integrated fertilizer application, and other topics of interest of the farmers and relevance. Customized fertilizers for cardamom, pepper, banana, vegetables and vermicompost, earthworms, and vermi wash are also available for the farmers.

Bio Agent Productions

The KVK produces and distributes different microorganisms such as Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescence to the farmers.

Under the supervision of Indian Institute of Agriculturally Important Insects, situated in Bangalore, there is also a production unit of Entomo Pathogenic Nematode (EPN) functioning here. EPN has been found to be highly beneficial in controlling root grub of small cardamom. At nominal rates, about 38 organic products are produced and made available to the farmers through an outlet known as Bio Hub. Moreover, as per the needs of farmer, regular trainings and demonstrations are also conducted on varying subjects like pest and disease control, organic farming methods, beekeeping etc.

Custom Hiring of Farm Machineries

With the financial aid provided by the State Planning Board, ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, BSS, Idukki has procured different farm machineries such as power tiller, paddy transplanter, paddy reaper and paddy thresher. Through this, the KVK aims to mechanize the rice cultivation, increase the yield and reduce the drudgery of farmers in the district. In addition, they also own machineries such as pepper thresher, white pepper processing machine, garden tiller and brush cutters, required for the day to day activities in the farm. These machines can be used by the farmers on a daily rent basis.

Instructional Farm

Instructional farm of ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, BSS, Idukki maintained in 8.6 acres is an integral part of the institution. They produce highly efficient planting materials, and fertilizers and also demonstrate new agricultural technologies for the farmers.

It is a home for increased bio diversity and species rich eco system. Different varieties of cardamom, specialized germplasm of pepper, fruit trees, medicinal plants, ornamental plants, coffee and other spice crops are maintained scientifically in this farm.

Demonstration Units

ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, BSS, Idukki has several demonstration units such as: -

  • Pepper propagation unit
  • Cardamom Varietal Garden
  • Vermi composting unit
  • Azolla unit
  • Medical and ornamental plants unit
  • Animal husbandry unit
  • Rural crafts unit

Production Units

Mushroom Spawn Production Unit

ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, BSS, Idukki is actively involved in the production and distribution of mushroom spawns. Here they are producing spawn of Pleurotus florida and Hypsizygus ulmarius var. CO-2.

Thousands of spawn packets are produced and marketed in KVK on a monthly basis, thereby meeting the mushroom cultivation requirements of the farmers in the district on a small scale. Moreover, trainings on spawn production are also frequently organized as per the requirements of the farmer.

Mushroom Production Unit

Scientific methods of mushroom cultivation were adopted by the KVK with a broad objective to publicize the mushroom cultivation among the farmers.

This has opened new avenues of employment opportunities for farm women and youth and alternative sources of income for the farmers. Trainings are also conducted to create a potential bunch of scientific mushroom cultivators.

Rural Crafts Unit

Rural crafts unit of this KVK has showcased exemplary skills in utilizing and converting agricultural waste into products of immense importance. Ornamental hand crafted products and bouquets are made from coconut spathe, cardamom twigs, palm leaf, coconut flowers, dried twigs, leaves, and grass and coconut shells. Ornaments and bouquet from paper is also prepared and marketed from this KVK.

Farmers are also given skill trainings on the production and marketing of such products.

Horticultural Nursery

To provide the farmers with high standard planting materials of ornamental plants, fruit trees, grafted and budded and layered saplings, a dedicated horticultural nursery is functioning in the KVK. It is also a resource house of various indigenous and exotic Hibiscus varieties

Products Available At ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Idukki

1 ICAR-NBAIR-Pseudomonas
2 ICAR-NBAIR -Trichoderma
3 ICAR-NBAIR -Beauveria
4 ICAR-NBAIR -Metarhizium
5 EM-Growth Promoter
6 PPFM- Methylobacterium
7 ICAR-IIHR-Arka Microbial Consortium
8 ICAR-IIHR-Paecilomyces
10 Ecodon
11 Neem Soap
12 ICAR-IIHR-Decomposer
13 Pheromone Trap
14 Pseudomonas Test tube Culture
15 Trichoderma Test tube Culture
16 Beauveria Test tube Culture
17 Metarhizium Test tube Culture
18 Akash-WD-Inoculums I
19 Agni-WD-Inoculums II
20 Trishul-WD-Inoculums III
21 Azospirillum
22 Phosphobacteria
23 Potash bacteria
24 Neem oil
25 ICAR-KVK, Idukki - Microbial Consortium-Small cardamom
26 ICAR- KVK, Idukki - Microbial Consortium-Black pepper
27 IISR Cardamom Special
28 IISR Black Pepper Special
29 IIHR Banana Special
30 IIHR Vegetable Special
31 Vermicompost
32 VAM
33 Neem cake
34 Pungam cake
35 Mushroom Spawn
36 Edible Oyster Mushroom
37 Dry flower bouquet
38 Ornamental plants
39 Pepper rooted cuttings
40 Vegetable seeds

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